Piper of the Day

The Piper of the Day Award is presented annually to the outstanding traditional Scottish bagpipe performance by a junior solo competitor.

The Scottish Society of Louisville gives this award in honor of Al Smith, a founding member of the Society. Al was a founding member of The Scottish Society of Louisville. He was an adventurer who jumped ship from England to travel across America. He was a scholar who embraced learning and who knew a great deal about world history. He was bright, interesting and well-read. Al was a patriot who served in both the British and American armies. He equally valued his British roots and his American life. When he retired at age 65, he got fitted for contacts and began to learn how to play the bagpipes. He marched and played with the Kosair Shrine Pipe Band.

2017Christopher Spreen 
2016Egan Dickerson 
2013Joanne Ripper
Springfield, IL